Monday 9 November 2015

Game Review: Echo of Soul

Echo of Soul is an MMORPG game published by Aeria Games. This game is available in North America and Europe regions only for now. Echo of Soul is recently an Open Beta with more contents to come. For those who has played games under Aeria Games such as Aura Kingdom and Dragomon Hunter, Echo of Soul does not have Loyalty Points. So, let's get started.

The UI for this game is fairly clean. I love how the placements of windows does not disturb my character's view. The game is played in third person with the option of zooming in and out with the scroll. The UI is almost similar to any other games. Top right is map, underneath the map is quests, bottom centre is your skill bars, health bar, and hotkey bars and bottom left is your chat. I give 9/10 for the cleanliness.

Character Customization
You have very little character customization. All classes are gender-locked. It does not have much detailed customization to your character like eyes width or thin/thick lips. But u can customize your head's size. body's length and leg's length.

There are currently 6 classes. Warlock is the newest class. The classes are further divided into 2 sub classes which you can choose at level 10.

I have played this game for a week just to try it out. The movement is fairly smooth. Although I find the girls running to be a little weird. Almost cross-legged like. I am playing somewhere far from the servers so I receive at least 1 second late for my skills but others where great. The combat is a point and click. Which means you point or tab a nearby monster and click on the skill bar to fight. I have played the guardian, which is a fairly tanky and damaging character and I can solo a boss with a small amount of potions used. This means that for solo players out there, you can survive playing this game alone.

You may also find it annoying that you have to go through a few portals just to get to another map as shown above. These portals are linked within a tunnel and you have to go through at least 6 of them to get to the next map. I assume the developers created these tunnels to avoid people hogging a single area to fight mobs. (The areas all have the same mob, play it and you will get it.) You can only ride your mount when you are not moving and it takes 1 second to equip your mount. (Yes, there is a timer on it.) Which makes it a little more unlikable. I don't like to have to stand still just to ride my mount but that is only my opinion. I like it instant, like how I have to run away from mobs and the mount comes in handy that way.

Quests are fairly simple. The usual kill xx amount of monster and pick up the amount of items. They are guided with a small indication on the head which helps a lot. On the side of the quest tracker there is an arrow showing the direction and no, you can't click on the arrow or the quests to auto-run there like some other games.
This game may be a little bit hard to understand because there is a lot to learn. I suggest reading about it first or google along the way to understand more.


This game is beautiful. The game is Korean based and the Koreans do make outstanding games. For example: the upcoming Black Desert. I have been playing at the highest graphics and it still runs very smoothly (8gb Ram, GeForce GTX960).

Though I find some areas to be rather dark and gloomy, some players may like this kind of environment. I dislike the music, rather repetitive at some point it gets boring. I rather turn it off and turn on only the ambient and combat sound, plus my own music to play.

Echo of Soul has 2 types of currency, AP, silver/gold, and Magic Egg. Ap is the Aeria Points that you can buy with real cash in exchange for cash shop items such as mounts, pets and accessories. Gold and silver can be earned through quests and sale of items. The amount of gold and silver that can be obtained is rather low. Some quests only gives 1 silver or 3 silver maximum as reward. I am level 17 now but the amount of silver i have is only 357. Magic Egg is a special obtainable item by logging in with attendance or special events. Magic Egg is used to purchase special boosts.

This game has a soul system where any mobs that you kill, you will get a chaos soul. The soul can be purified to create special souls that can be used to enhance your character for a period of time. The game does have mounts and pets. You will get a llama mount at the beginning and other mounts and pets are available at the cash shop.

TL;dR: It is a good game but I find myself getting bored of the usual type of quests.
Pros: Good graphics, good but not great gameplay, clean UI, great for solo players.
Cons: Low amount of players atm, hard to understand system, tonnes of portal, repetitive music, Aeria Games.

I give this game a 8/10.

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