Wednesday 11 November 2015

Game Review: Dragomon Hunter

Dragomon Hunter is an MMORPG game published by Aeria Games. This game is currently in open beta. Dragomon Hunter has only 2 servers, Aegis and Paradox, with 7 channels and 6 channels respectively. For those who has played games under Aeria Games, Dragomon Hunter has Loyalty Points and Falcon's Fortune the same with Aura Kingdom. I had the opportunity to join the closed beta test, however, I was in China and is unable to try it out. By the time I got back from China, it is already open beta. So, let's get started.

The UI for this game is extremely big. This is to cater the younger kids into playing the game. The game is played in third person with the option of zooming in and out with the scroll button. The UI is almost similar to any other games. Top right is map, underneath the map is quests, bottom centre is your skill bars, health bar, and hotkey bars and bottom left is your chat.

Character Customization
You have very little character customization. There is not much that you can customize other than the hair, face and voice. Both genders are available for all classes.

There is a small rabbit like which is called Hoppalong which will fight for you and the can be customise by the ears, colour, and face only.

There are currently 4 classes, mercenary, mage, cleric, and rogue. Upon reaching level 20, you can choose to use a different kind of weapon which results to different skills. As you reach level 30, you can choose 2 types of specialization. For example, a mercenary can choose to specialize as a barbarian (high: AoE, burst damage. Low: HP, speed) or a vanguard (high: HP, speed. Low: AoE, burst damage). You can reset the specialization once a day if you are not happy with it.

Currently, my internet is pretty bad so I am able to get a 1 second delay on spells only in the morning. This is due to the North America server part which is unavoidable. I have played all 4 classes and in my opinion, I like the Rogue best. The combat is pretty normal with only 8 skills to spam countless times. During the combat, there are voiceovers that will yell shouts of encouragement which can get pretty annoying at some point. There is an option to mute it, don't worry.
Quests are like the normal kill XX amount of monsters and collect XX items and send to that guy. You can click on the quests to auto run to the area. It is simple and cater for kids.
Hoppalongs, your companion can learn skills from books dropped from Hoppadrome Solo or Party. Each book is only 1 Exp to each classes for your Hoppalong. So imagine farming for 60 books to gain one new class for your companion.
Dragomon Hunter has a system for mounts where you have to kill them countless times till they drop either an egg or a treasure chest which contains the reins, flute, whistle to summon the mount. Only mounts like huge bosses is available in item mall.
Falcon Fortune is a game which requires Fortune Gems. Fortune Gems can be bought using real money or by farming for loyalty points by doing the daily events. Daily, if you are hardworking, you can earn up to 400 Loyalty Points (LP) and 10 Fortune Gems cost you 3450 LP. So, you need 10 complete daily events to buy 10 Fortune Gems which you may or may not get what you want. This is why I have 257 hours in Aura Kingdom (I am not sorry for it).
Dragomon Hunter has a ranch which allows you to breed more dragomons. The highest for a normal dragomon is +40% movement speed. Bosses are +50% movement speed but after breeding, you can use them for attack.
The game has a wonderful system in finding parties for dungeons. There is a special recruitment and all you have to do is click on it and find a suitable group for you. You don't have to talk to them and it is wonderful for players like me who is too shy to ask for parties.
Dragomon Hunter has an archive. Which is to me, a good way to hook on to players. The archive can be used to store the special items such as costumes, mounts, glyph, companions and more. So, for a gamer, we must collect them all or catch them all.
p/s: While auto-running, please look at the screen. Some characters are stuck at certain areas.

This game is beautiful. Some may not like the chibi kind of art style but it does have a certain edge for it. I dislike the music, rather repetitive at some point it gets boring.

Dragomon Hunter has a few currency, Dragomon Point, Coin, Loyalty Points and Aeria Points.
Dragomon Point is received by killing certain rare dragomon, or by completing a certain quests.
Coin is rewards from quests, sale of items and so forth.
Loyalty Point is as explained above.
Aeria Point is by buying with real money.

Dragomon Hunter has a lot of contents. The idea of these contents are rather brilliant, to me. Aeria Games knows just how much they should give to hook onto gamers out there. Falcon's Fortune, Loyalty Point, Archive, Achievements, and Hoppalong's classes are some of those that did. Once I started and I know that this game offers did much of content for me to focus on, I got hooked to it. But doing the same thing over and over again, is not pleasant. I got bored after a while. Not getting mounts drop could be frustrating. Levelling is fun from level 1 to 20 and after that, it is all on you to grind, grind, grind.
A fair warning to players out there, games from Aeria Games tend to have a lot of bots. The popular ones do. Bots will take your kill, make this game laggy and spam a lot.

TL;dR: It is a great game, easily hooked at first. You need to have a stronger will to stay in this game. Not because of bad gamers but the amount of grind that you need is...... wow...
Pros: Good graphics, good but not great gameplay, loads of contents, mount system, Hoppalong.
Cons: Hard to understand ranch system, repetitive music, Aeria Games, grindy.

I give this game a 9/10.

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