Thursday 28 May 2015

On the weird, yet wonderful day.

Yesterday was the 27th of August 2015. I started the day badly.

I dropped my toothbrush into the toilet bowl.

I did not stare in disbelief nor do I acted quickly. I nonchalantly grabbed the toothbrush, scrubbed the handle and the brush furiously and proceeded into using it. I have no time to grab another one. It is already 6.30 a.m and I need to hurry off to work. My every day life starts with the 6.00 a.m ring of the alarm which proceeds to a snooze button and another alarm at 6.15 a.m. Took a short close eye and force myself up at 6.20 a.m. I need to get out of the house by at least 6.35 a.m or else the road will be packed with impatient drivers stuck in a horrendous jam.

I continued my way to the train station after parking my car at my usual spot. Bought myself a nice packet of nasi lemak for breakfast and headed to the train. By the time, I was there, the train is due to arrive in 3 mins at 6.55 a.m. Nice timing, I told myself. From the first train, I traveled 30 minutes to the main station in the heart of the city and quick-walk to my next train. As I arrived at the platform, a 4-coach train slowly halted to a stop. Another nice timing. Arrived at work at 7.40 a.m. Slowly walked to my workplace, open the door and have my breakfast. This particular nasi lemak has the tendency to spill the sambal sauce everywhere because it is packed in a cone shape but somehow, I was lucky to have it nicely open, with no sauce on the side.

The day continues with work and I was given only one work on that day and I managed to finish as much as possible. Before I know it, 5.30 p.m has arrived and it is time to go home. Off I ran to my station and yadda train, yadda pack people, yadda station. I met this friendly train conductor on my way home. I was leaning on the wall when he started talking about the weather (it is still a very efficient ice-breaker). He asked questions I asked questions. I got to know that he finished his STPM last 2 years and he never got to continue studies because of reasons unknown (I don't pry when he doesn't talk about it, life is hard). He said another conductor is studying his Diploma at the age of 30 now with a CGPA of 3.5. So, it is never too late for him to continue his studies. He is the same age as I do and I can see that sad face he makes when he said his fellow STPM classmates are going to graduate this year and all he has to do his sit on a train, going to and fro, on the same track, same destination almost every day. And the only reason he gave me when I asked him if he wants to continue studies is, he has to work. He tried to apply for scholarship but he kept getting rejected.

It made me realised that I am born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It is true, I am spoon fed, I am dependent on my parents. And there he stand, doing a job with the highest suicide rate in the world, wanting to continue his studies (he said studies gives you extra salary) but has to work because of unknown reasons. I regretted not being able to follow this study course due to extension and now I feel like I am a burden to my parents. I must make up for this.

Well, that is all I have for that day. It started off with a pretty bad situation but ended with a lucky strike of acquaintanceship. I hope more days like this would come. Or maybe I could bump into him and talk more about his work next time.

Thank you for reading!

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