Monday 6 February 2017

Blog move!

I moved to a new blog ( I know, I know. I have too many blogs or I wouldn't be able to maintain all these blogs. So, I will be updating only on the wordpress. I have been pressed by my friends to continue writing my blog, get updated at least once a week. All of these are for my own good and practise.

I will not close this blog but I will not be posting on this blog anymore. All my game reviews will be on the wordpress.

On the side note, I felt a little nostalgic looking at my first blog. (
I looked through and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I have 186 published post on that blog. Almost to a 200. And this blog has only 13 published post.

It was fun times, writing those small rants and daily lives that 140 words could not fit. It was fun ranting on blogspot, away from the eyes of some of my acquaintances from Facebook.

I am going to miss it. Of course I will still be ranting on the wordpress but not as innocent as I were 8 years ago. YES, IT HAS BEEN EIGHT YEARS. Time really do fly fast.

I guess that is all. Thank you all for reading. I know I am the only one reading this. Haha, but shout out to the invisible people behind the screen that read. Thank you for those time. Thank you.

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